Shop Collections

As a welcome gift when you sign up for my newsletter, I'll slide a fabulous pack of Canva carousel templates right into your inbox. Use them to show off your latest projects, services, offers, ideas, or share your know-how with your people.

Picture this: Your ideas, your brand, your voice, all popping out in these customizable beauties. Swap the photos, give those fonts and colours a personal touch, and voilà — you're ready to roll month after month!

And if you need content inspiration, you can use the included ChatGPT prompt to get tons of ideas for your carousel posts! Sound good? Then sign up below!

Ready to sprinkle some extra magic on your social feeds and show the world what you're up to?

free social media canva templates with chatgpt prompt for inspiration

I'm a writer, artist, and coach helping multipassionate creatives turn their passions into profitable ventures—without having to force themselves into a too tiny box.

After being a journalist and press officer for years, I took my skills online and wrote my way to 10K by offering SEO blog posts that turn readers into action-takers. 

Over the years, I've added skills in various domains, from ShowIt website design and digital product creation to coaching and consulting. 

I love helping fellow multipassionate, creative rebels find their unique voice and carve out a niche (or not!) that feels right for them—and then monetize it—without overwhelm or burnout.

Here you'll find done-for-you services and do-it-yourself resources, templates, tools, workshops, and more to help you grow and scale your business. I've also created the blog MultiPassionate Creatives with free resources to kickstart your journey.

I turn passions into profitable ventures

Hi, I'm Eileen